Understanding Cisco Python Fundamentals

Python is developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s to provide a programming language that can be simple to understand and learn. It supports multi-paradigm programming language, including structured, object-oriented, and functional programming. Python programming language nowadays have become so popular on the computer environment that Cisco python programming certification through the Cisco Networking Academy is also being offered to empower network automation and software development process that helps network engineers that do not have prior programming knowledge required or those who are professionals already in the world of programming on their programming skills open who possesses their own programming portfolio that will yield to higher paying software development jobs which in turn helps their company streamline the whole Cisco networks.

Python Data Types and Their Hierarchy

Python 3 is the latest version of the Python programming language that is being used nowadays by a programming enthusiast or an aspiring network engineer as a great first programming language to make your own computer program, below is the hierarchy of data types to better grasp this versatile programming language.

cisco python

None – this data type defines a null object or variable. it can be allocated to any variable but the rule of thumb is it cannot create other None-type objects.

Numbers – this is an immutable data type that represents numeric values.

    • Integral – these are whole numbers and do not have a fractional part, and can be positive, negative, or zero.
    • Real – a value that represents a quantity within a continuous line and may or may not have fractional values.
    • Complex – this acts as an extension of the real number system wherein the values are expressed as the sum of the real part and the imaginary.

Sequences – this is an ordered set that is generic, meaning it is an order where the input does not change when we access them.

    • Immutable – these are objects that the values cannot be changed. These are Strings, Tuples and Bytes.
    • Mutable – these are objects whose internal state can be changed. These are Lists and Byte Arrays.

Set – this is used to store multiple objects in a single variable and has 2 types which are;

    • Sets – mutable in nature.
    • Frozen Sets – this is an immutable set.

Mappings – this function works as an iterator to provide a result once a function is applied to an iterable table such as tuples or lists.


Cisco Python Libraries

Python has a large library and can be considered as one of its strengths where it provides tools that are helpful to any task. It includes multi module computer programs for creating graphical user interfaces, connecting databases that are related to each other, generating pseudorandom numbers, arithmetic, object oriented programming categories, manipulating regular expressions, and unit testing.